Patent Pending Designs
mimosa o'Clock is our favorite time of day
Espress yo self
best after dinner...or before dinner...or in the morning...
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas martini 🎶
you're never lonely with Negroni
Anyway you want it, that's the way you need it.
Let's make a pit stop
Don't be a salty beach
Provocative. Alluring. Passionate.
shake your pom-pom's. Go Gloria!
Everyone can't be Irish, someone has to drive
Irish goodbyes
mamacita needs a margarita!
Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips.
sweet mouth, sour bottom
Vitamin C U Later
A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.S. make us want to drink
canada, the world's best kept secret
aloha in a glass
Long Island's Green with envy cousin
keep it classy, Gloria.
Tide rolling, Gloria style
simple, fun, and blue!
Trust me, you can dance